Mobile Phone Dangers
Two views of the mobile phone/microwave debate.
1. They ARE harmful - Interview with Dr. Neil Cherry.
2. NO EVIDENCE that they're harmful - European Union Scientific Steering Committee.
See also BBC Talking Point (Public comments on the latest (May 2000) UK report.)
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My own opinion is that it's advisable, especially for younger people, to use mobile phones only for emergencies. Their use raises new isssues, and it will be years, if not decades, before adequate evidence accumulates. It's therefore irrational, unscientific, and a mindless repetition of previous health controversies - Cigarette smoking, DDT, Thalidomide, Nuclear Power, Hepatitis C / Aids contaminated blood products, BSE , Dioxins etc. etc. - for anyone to claim, in the absence of evidence, that mobile phone use is "safe".
The alarmists have as good as record as the "pooh pooh,there's no possible harm" scientists in these matters. This type of scientist has done untold harm to the reputation of science, and I've yet to hear any of them even hint that they may just possibly have been wrong, never mind actually apologise, once the brown stuff hits the fan.
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