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Celtic Music



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You will need RealPlayer to play the Celtic music selection above.
Free Download (Look for RealPlayer 7 BASIC)

Then click on your chosen song title above to stream the song directly from MP3.com .
28.8k modem or better assumed.
(Click on Artist's name for 14.4k modems or High-speed connections.
This will take you to their MP3 page,
where more download options are available.)

MP3.com is a very busy site, so expect occasional connection problems.
It may also be advisable to turn off graphics while playing music.
MP3.com may also look for your e-mail address on your first visit,
and use cookies to track your choices.

Click on the artist's name to go to their MP3.com page.
As yet, there seem to be few Irish artists usings MP3,
so most of the artists above are actually from the U.S.
Some of the songs too, although very popular in Ireland,
were written in the U.S. or Scotland.

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