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Luke Kelly - The Collection
36 Great Songs

Luke Kelly - CD Cover
Luke Kelly

You will need RealPlayer (Install) to play the samples from this 36 song selection
from Luke Kelly, one of Ireland's most famous ballad singers.
Samples are 20 - 30 seconds long, and are only intended to
give some idea of the power and passion of Luke's singing.

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Some tributes to Luke Kelly : -
  • "When Luke was singing a very good song,
    you could feel the hair rise on the back of your neck." Peggy Seeger.
  • "I was amazed by the power and committment of Luke's performance
    and by how emotionally involved he was with his material
    ...he was a hero who became a friend and I still mourn him." Christy Moore.
  • "Luke stood out as being passionate in his singing...he put soul into it". Mary Coughlan.
  • "He was a hard chaw with a heart of gold and the soul of an angel". Barney McKenna.
  • "He stood head and shoulders above the others;
    he gave a voice to the unemployed;
    he gave a voice to the worker;
    a voice to the person on the streets of Dublin." Frank Harte.
  • He had a quality impossible to define and certainly impossible to learn." Phil Coulter.
  • "You couldn't help but respect Luke for his tremendous integrity
    and the way he stuck to his convictions throughout his life.
    As a singer he was the best bar none." Ronnie Drew.